Eye Health
About your Eye
Routine eye exams often reveal ocular problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, presbyopia, and sight blurring astigmatism. Your doctor can prescribe corrective spectacle eyewear and/or contact lenses. Other eye conditions, along with a myriad of conjunctivitis syndromes and red eye or pinkeye, lid inflammation, dangerous glaucoma, dense cataracts, diabetic and hypertensive retinopathy, and macular degeneration are carefully screened for by our eye physicians.
Tips to Maintain Good Vision
Provide good light for reading, work, or study (Ex: soft background light plus a light on your task).
Avoid glare and other distortions on TV and computer screen. Position your TV or computer screen where less light will reflect off the screen. Use special non-glare screens that fit over the computer screen.
Wear proper eye protection & safety equipment for hazardous tasks. Use UV-blocking sunglasses to safe guard your eyes from excessive ultraviolet light. Too much UV exposure can damage your retina and cause lasting severe vision damage and increase the risk of cataracts.
We highly recommend getting regular routine comprehensive vision exams from an eye doctor annually.
For further information please visit WebMD.com and the National Institute of Health/ nih.gov
Nourish your eyesight
A good diet is essential for good overall health, and there are a number of vital vitamins and foods rich in antioxidants that keep our eyes functioning strong. If you are lacking some of these ingredients you can increased your risk for conditions such as macular degeneration, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, other inflammatory diseases and glaucoma.
We emphasize the importance of natural of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low fat saturated food groups. Protein such as lean fresh meats, fish, poultry, eggs, beans, and nuts, reduction of saturated and Trans fats, salt and avoidance of added high corn fructose sugars.
Other Tips to Excellent Eye Health
- Quit Smoking
- Regular Physical Exercise
- Sun Glasses UV Protection